1.18oD[ -------------------------------------------------- Six Castle Blood _ll 4 ShOw -------------------------------------------------------- -Units are created automatically. -Its not a cheat map. -You will be defeated if you lose all 6 castles. -For every razing you get 2 villagers (mix 26 villes). -From 100 and 190 kills u will get 4 Gold's Villes. -Depending on your civilization, you may have to raze more to recieve villagers. -No Town Centers -No Wonders in the game -All Civs start the game with blacksmith and university -TURKS start the game with a blacksmith. -VIKINGS start athe game with CASTLE AGE and they need 550 kills addv to imp age. ---- Version: 2-5 Trigger: 733 Created by _Mad__Child_}`\ŵ`0C,:6Z z`ma ˒d !N!yR^z{i$!tHH{T{//?;WW{F;3gήa7s73gϽse[,e)KYR,e)KY2? Sw{ϦY󂺟yﺟۧ}~^ccmX_L \PXq҉ #6=vʒRY}NXY`JJOe` O |dhrRlMlԶNnMm o_ /9^02:YU6 K*[jcGV @T6\OlN T}bM 402^ehdSMMSmD-`7%GT:;:*Γ;*AOLTHZa3F6"W6 ACFGNLԶWk7 T&GqH-` a`tjXEFTVLH+GG6C#ʦږDVV4QONAۆ&+k6Ol✶ Y&&C.5kZ!s?פMk.ʳϬ$$n z{ k7ބ2Vy.MŴp8ёe% \6> ݽpT)W^X۸vknĭe`㲙pF&F&*K`qMk&U:+ <J n?Zh>}M`lZ?m8 %F)pdK*g|4 Ϋ MƷ1lIMP9dh jc535-[kCx!{ramd֍yxK xၱA02{Úm yͅ᭛A:6>a W0l;kH[{[ԋFGWlʅSyR0薳aW.l&+ӫS[2W~? l#vIϳEږemn-KYR,e)KYR,e)KYR,e)KYR,e)KYR,e)KYRREǂJ7~CRꔒW4,e)-_ZTWY u s `8AmA=~V=;Ϗh2nBNÇ3<ȉȅ ᕜg=^;?_C^6sWBe)KYn ~*Kn{ʯRESWW̕ !r2ԭLN;GG03ȜCM#;nMmDK*UW_J*UW_J*UW